Episode 13

Published on:

15th Jun 2021

Why Is Everyone Better Than Me? | Derek Brooks | Ep 13

Derek Brooks is Sosh's friend. Or as she would tell you, he is Sosh's wife's friend. She met Derek in high school, and they've kept in touch since. 

He moved around a bit as a kid. He was also always one of the smart kids, though he didn't always realize it. He worked twice as hard as most, partly because he thought the special, gifted classes they kept sending him to were remedial!

He also got in a lot of fights. From elementary school up to high scool he fought a lot. The Bros are big wimps from the word go and thought this sounds terrifying, but he describes it as a positive experience.

And that's the thing about Derek. Hearing him describe his past, as a gifted outsider, as a Black kid in the south, it ALL sound positive. He just has such a positive vibe, that we're really fucking jealous of. 

I dunno, bros. I think we found someone else who is just better at this shit than we are.



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The Brodhisattva Podcast
What can a couple of Bro's learn about enlightenment?
How can I become a better man? Enoch & Sosh are on a mission and are inviting you along for the journey. Tune in for mindfulness, philosophy, mental health, connection, and dick jokes. Always, always, dick jokes. What can a couple of Bro's learn about the path the enlightenment? Let's find out together!

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Enoch Daniel